AutoHotkey Book!
Tricks You Ought to Do with Windows
(Sixth Edition)
 Feel free to copy and share this
book with your colleagues and friends whether through e-mail, links, or
posting on social media or
your Web site—as long as the original
content remains intact. Anything which encourages Windows owners to use
the free AutoHotkey software fits in with our goal of helping people to
get the most out of their Windows computer experience.
well as offering insight into a number of useful AutoHotkey
techniques, AutoHotkey Tricks
acts as a free companion reference for anyone who already owns one or
more of the ComputorEdge AutoHotkey books (or someone who just wants to
know more about what's inside those books). AutoHotkey Tricks includes the
complete Table of Contents and
detailed Book Indexes for each
of the seven main AutoHotkey books found at ComputorEdge E-Books:
A Beginner's
Guide to AutoHotkey
- Digging
Deeper Into AutoHotkey
- Beginning
AutoHotkey Hotstrings
- AutoHotkey
- A Beginner's
Guide to Using Regular Expressions in AutoHotkey
- AutoHotkey Hotkeys
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques
- Beginning Tips for
Writing AutoHotkey Scripts
- Jack's Motley Assortment of AutoHotkey Tips
A quick
computer search of the AutoHotkey
Tricks e-book tells you the book and chapter where you can find
specific information on AutoHotkey topics addressed in any of the seven
other books.
(May 10, 2020 Update: The eighth book, Jack's Motley Assortment of AutoHotkey Tips, is now available at ComputorEdge E-Books. The Table of Contents and
Index to Jack's Motley Assortment of AutoHotkey Tips are now included in this Sixth Edition of AutoHotkey Tricks. After release,
the book Tricks will be
available here and continue to be free. New! A special deal for the Ten Book ComputorEdge AutoHotkey Library!)
* *
Everyone should be using AutoHotkey with their Windows
computer. Some people don't because it seems too hard. (It's not!) Some
won't bother because they're content with the way Windows works now.
(Really?) But there are a number of simple things that anyone can do
with AutoHotkey on their Windows computer which can make a huge
difference to their computing experience, such as adding a
tailored signature to any document, e-mail, or Web editing field at
the stroke of a hotkey combination. Or, insert special characters such
the £ sign or ® symbol which aren't on the keyboard to anything without
looking up the code. Maybe you want to instantly search your favorite
Web site without first loading your Web browser, opening Google, then
navigating to the page. All of these AutoHotkey techniques can be found
in the e-book
AutoHotkey Tricks You Ought to
Do with Windows.

AutoHotkey Tricks
is a beginning to intermediate level e-book available as a
free download right here or 99¢ at ComputorEdge E-Books in EPUB format
iPad and other tablets,
in MOBI format for Amazon Kindle, and PDF format for printing on letter
size paper and inserting in a binder.
While the book AutoHotkey
does not delve into the full power of the free Open Source software, it
does offer those simpler tasks which use the most basic functions of
AutoHotkey to make things easier on your Windows computer. Most of the
book's sugestions are offered at a beginning knowledge level and only
occasionally venture into slightly more advanced topics. Anyone who can
open Notepad on their computer and save a file should be able to pick
up this book and immediately implement most of the techniques discussed.
Download your free copy of the e-book from the links above and share it
with your friends.
Find out why AutoHotkey is
absolutely the best free Windows utility software ever!
You'll be glad you did.
What's Inside
This Free AutoHotkey
One: Add Tailored Signatures to All E-mail and Documents
you do nothing else, use AutoHotkey to put your signature in every
document, blog, and e-mail.”
Add your formated signature (with e-mail and Web site)
to any document, Web page response, or e-mail with easy one-line
AutoHotkey scripts. Plus, instantly enter your e-mail address anywhere
(no matter how long it is).
Two: Use AutoHotkey to Instantly Insert Your E-Mail Address into Web
you do nothing else, shorten your e-mail address to a simple hotkey or
It can be a pain to type long, convoluted e-mail
addresses. Use AutoHotkey to instantly add yours and maybe your
password too.
Three: Use AutoHotkey to Instantly Turn Hard-to-Type Jargon into
you do nothing else, use AutoHotkey to instantly turn hard-to-type
jargon into hotstrings.”
Most people have specialized vocabulary in their
occupation. Use short hotstrings to add those terms to any document
easy without spelling or type hassles.
Four: Adding Currencies, Special Symbols and Fractions
you do nothing else, use AutoHotkey to add the special characters you
want to your keyboard.”
While there are other ways to add foreign currency
symbols and special characters to your documents, files, and Web edits,
nothing is easier than AutoHotkey.
Five: Searching Web Sites Made Easy
searching your favorite Web site easy with AutoHotkey.”
can put this simple AutoHotkey script to good use for quickly searching
their favorite Web site.
Six: Hotkeys to Save Right-clicks
the same right-click menu repeatedly? Protect from Carpal Tunnel with
this AutoHotkey tip.”
you have a right-click menu that you use over and over again, then you
can save time and repetitive finger actions by setting up an AutoHotkey
hotkey to get the job done.
Seven: Quickly Open Favorite Folders
you do nothing else, use AutoHotkey to quickly open your most used
folders in Windows Explorer.”
is a cool trick. Do you find that you are opening the same Windows
folders innumerable times during the day? Set up a hotkey combination
with AutoHotkey to instantly open each of those most used favorites.
Plus, you can put those key actions in a quick pop-up menu.
Eight: Using Extra Mouse Buttons and the Wasted Insert Key
you do nothing else, use AutoHotkey to power extra mouse buttons and
vestigial keys like insert.”
on how use AutoHotkey to take advantage of extra mouse buttons, and the
annoying Insert and CapsLock keys, plus, for the hardcore AutoHotkey
user, a more advanced technique for adding color to AutoHotkey ListView
Nine: A Beginner's Guide to Stealing AutoHotkey Apps
are hundreds of free AutoHotkey apps available for the taking.”
don't need to know very much about AutoHotkey to take advantage of the
many free scripts available for a wide variety of uses on your Windows
Ten: AutoHotkey Versus AutoIt
a Windows scripting program for automating your computer activities.”
Both scripting languages are from the same roots, but which
one is right for you?
Includes All ComputorEdge
E-Book Table of Contents and Indexes
Beginner's Guide to AutoHotkey Contents and Index
Included as a reference for the e-book A Beginner's Guide to AutoHotkey, its complete
Table of Contents and Index.
Deeper into AutoHotkey Contents and Index
Included as a reference for the e-book Digging
Deeper into AutoHotkey, its complete Table of
and Index.
Applications Contents and Index
as a reference for the e-book AutoHotkey
Applications, its complete Table of Contents
and Index.
Beginner's Guide to Using Regular Expressions in AutoHotkey
and Index
as a reference for the e-book A Beginner's
Guide to Using Regular Expression in AutoHotkey, its
Table of Contents
and Index.
AutoHotkey Hotstrings Contents
and Index
as a reference for the e-book Beginning
AutoHotkey Hotstrings, its complete
Table of Contents
and Index.
Hotkey Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Contents
and Index
as a reference for the e-book AutoHotkey
Hotkeys, its complete
Table of Contents
and Index.
Beginning Tips for Writing AutoHotkey
Scripts Contents
and Index
as a reference for the e-book Beginning
Tips for Writing AutoHotkey Scripts, its complete
Table of Contents
and Index.
Jack's Motley Assortment of AutoHotkey Tips Contents
and Index
as a reference for the e-book Jack's Motley Assortment of AutoHotkey Tips, its complete
Table of Contents
and Index.
For More Information
If you're interested
it testing AutoHotkey to see if it might be right for you, see "Installing
AutoHotkey and Writing Your First Script."
This page shows you how to get up and running with AutoHotkey,
plus it offers links to other articles on how to use AutoHotkey.
you want more information in either the Amazon Kindle format, EPUB
format for use on iPad and other types of tablet computers (or on your
PC), or PDF for printing on letter size paper for adding to a binder,
then check out the AutoHotkey e-books by Jack Dunning at ComputorEdge E-Books. Most of these
AutoHotkey books are also available at Amazon.com (all except the AutoHotkey Applications
book found exclusively at ComputorEdge E-Books.
More AutoHotkey Uses
AutoHotkey is a scripting language which can make
almost everything easier on Windows computers. It can be a simple
one-line script in a text file which enters your e-mail address after
only typing a couple of characters (i.e. "m@" when typed becomes
"myemailaddress@mymailserver.com"). There are simple, but powerful apps
which can
make your computer life much easier. For
• Autocorrect
over 5,000 commonly misspelled words in any Windows program
or on the
• Set
a reminder for a later
• Use
QuickLinks to replace the
missing Windows 8 Start Menu (or just to make life easier in any
version of Windows).