AutoHotkey Books for Beginners and NovicesIf you have experience with programming and writing scripts, then you should have no problem making good use of the vast amount of information about AutoHotkey on the Web. However, if you're new to building your own Windows tools, (or just want a reference set of the ComputorEdge AutoHotkey E-Book Library), yet plan to take advantage of the power of the free AutoHotkey utility software, then you may want more insight into how to use it. That's what Jack Dunning offers in his books. As stated by one reader of A Beginner's Guide to AutoHotkey: "Autohotkey
is amazing. There is loads of info out there about it, but it tends to
be reference material and you need to know what you are looking for to
make use of it. Jack Dunning gives you a high level view of what you
can do with Autohotkey and some basic pointers. Just enough to get you
thinking about neat ways to apply it to your own way of working and to
know where to start. It is well written and his enthusiasm for
Autohotkey is contagious … Autohotkey is addictive and if you've
already succumbed to its
charms this book will not help you break free. Instead it will give you
plenty of ideas for other uses for this remarkable tool."
![]() Jack demonstrates how to use AutoHotkey by writing very short scripts that you can immediately put to use. You can find these apps and more in the ComputorEdge AutoHotkey E-Books. These quick apps include a barebones music and video player and an instant hotkey app (no AutoHotkey required). These and many more free AutoHotkey scripts and apps can be found at the Free AutoHotkey Scripts and Apps page and downloaded from the same page. For More Information If you're interested in testing AutoHotkey to see if it might be right for you, then go to "Installing AutoHotkey and Writing Your First Script." This page shows you how to get up and running with AutoHotkey, plus it offers links to other articles on how to use AutoHotkey. If you're interest in learning about AutoHotkey from e-books in either the Amazon Kindle format or EPUB format for use on the iPad and other types of tablet computers (or on your PC), then check out the following e-books by Jack Dunning. * * *
Get this Free overview and introductory
e-book, AutoHotkey
Tricks You Ought to Do with Windows!* * *
![]() For more details about A Beginner's Guide to AutoHotkey (Table of Contents and the entire book index), click here! Building Power Tools for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, AutoHotkey is the most powerful, flexible, free Windows utility software available. Anyone can instantly add more of the functions that they want in all of their Windows programs, whether installed on their computer or while working on the Web. AutoHotkey has a universality not found in any other Windows utility—free or paid. Based upon the series of articles in ComputorEdge, Jack takes you through his learning experience as he explores writing simple AutoHotkey scripts for adding repetitive text in any program or on the Web, running programs with special hotkeys or gadgets, manipulating the size and screen location of windows, making any window always-on-top, copying and moving files, and much more. Each chapter builds on the previous chapters. For an EPUB (iPad, NOOK, etc.) version of A Beginner's Guide to AutoHotkey click here! For a PDF version for printing on letter size paper for inclusion in a standard notebook of A Beginner's Guide to AutoHotkey click here! (Get the Spanish language version of A Beginner’s Guide to AutoHotkey—Guía básica de AutoHotkey—from Amazon.) * * *
![]() For more details about Digging Deeper into AutoHotkey (Table of Contents and the entire book index), click here! For an EPUB (iPad, NOOK, etc.) version of Digging Deeper into AutoHotkey click here! For a PDF version for printing on letter size paper for inclusion in a standard notebook of Digging Deeper into AutoHotkey click here! * * *
![]() For more details about AutoHotkey Applications (Table of Contents and the entire book index), click here! For an EPUB (iPad, NOOK, etc.) version of AutoHotkey Applications click here! For the Amazon Kindle (MOBI) version of AutoHotkey Applications click here! For a PDF version for printing on letter size paper for inclusion in a standard notebook of AutoHotkey Applications click here! * * *
As a convenience for people who don’t want to dig through the Web for individual tips, but would like to learn some cool AutoHotkey Hotstring tricks, the e-book Beginning AutoHotkey Hotstrings is now available on the ComputorEdge E-Books site and through Amazon. If e-books are not your thing, then it might be worth your time to peruse some of the blogs included in this book and linked at “Beginning AutoHotkey Hotstring Techniques” found under the “AutoHotkey Topics and Series” tab in the top menu bar. They just might inspire your next AutoHotkey script. Beginning Hotstrings explores the potential of the basic AutoHotkey Hotstring option and how they can aid anyone who uses word processors, text editors, or Web input fields on Windows computers. It's surprising how this one small area of AutoHotkey can add power to your computer through Hotstring menus and the enigmatic Input commmand.For more details about Beginning AutoHotkey Hotstrings (Table of Contents and the entire book index), click here! |
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![]() For more details about Regular Expressions in AutoHotkey (Table of Contents and the entire book index), click here! |