Computer and Internet Cartoons

from ComputorEdge Magazine

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That Does Not Compute!

That Does Not Compute!These are ComputorEdge classics are some of the best in computer and Internet cartoons. This book along with "That Does Not Compute, Too!" gives an inside look at the absurdity of how we treat our computers and deal with the Internet.

"That Does Not Compute!" is collection of over 150 cartoons from ComputorEdge Magazine by Jim Whiting and Jack Dunning about the trials and tribulations of using computers and the Internet. Cartoons include Death getting his identity stolen, nagging PDF files, the biker gang's Web designer, eBay for dogs, Apple iPokes, user-unfriendly software, and many more silly technological situations.

If you need a quick reference, all the cartoons are catalogued in an index at the back of the book.

I thought there would be pie!This book represents over three years of brain straining and pencil breaking in order to grind out one cartoon per week. Looking back at the cartoons in this book, it is noted that some of them are really stupid while some are quite clever. We'll leave it to the reader to figure out which is which. If one of these frames makes you smile (or even groan), then we have done our job. As of this digital printing we continue to pump out one cartoon a week at ComputorEdge Online.

Also see our cartoon e-book by Jim Whiting and Jack Dunning from ComputorEdge "That Does Not Compute, Too! ComputorEdge Cartoons, Volume II: 'Do You Like Windows 8 or Would You Prefer an Apple?'"

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That Does Not Compute, Too!

ComputorEdge Cartoons, Volume II

That Does Not Compute, Too!A collection of ComputorEdge cartoons by Jim Whiting and Jack Dunning covering topics computer, Internet and high technology related.

If you liked their first e-book of cartoons, "That Does Not Compute!", then you will love this one. Here are more of the warped computer and Internet cartoons that Jim Whiting and Jack Dunning have become known for. You'll find yourself saying, "It's so true!", "Been there, done that!" or "That one's really stupid!"

Learn what robots really think about or how to uncover the secret of life! What are the dangers of Internet dating? How did Microsoft develop Windows 8? Discover the latest innovations in mobile technology or how to deal with Internet cookies. What does the president really do in his free time?

As Jack says, "A number of these cartoons are based upon deep philosophical thoughts with profound life implications. Ignore them for now. Eventually scholars will decipher the hidden meanings and publish those answers in one of their journals—along with all the other nonsense they put out."

Cartoons include:

"One-handed Computing," "High Quality iPad Camera," "User Un-friendly iPad," "E-Book Magic," "Working with Apple Lion," "Buying Apple Versus Amazon," "Next Time Get an Apple!," "New Windows 8 Slogan," "Sticking with Microsoft Classics," "Release Day for Windows 8," "Excited about Windows 8," "Renaming
Why us?Windows 8 Metro Start Screen," "Microsoft's View of the Future," "Developing Apps for Windows 8," "Bad Hair Day App," "Not Cool to Hack App," "An App for All Occasions," "High Tech Makeup App," "Malfunctioning App," "Another Malfunctioning App," "An App That Works!," "The Dangers of Internet Dating," "Fred's Vacation Away from Home at Home," "A Virtual Certainty," "Presidential Virtual Pressure," "E-Book Signing," "High School E-book Romance," "Living the E-Life," "The New E-Wait," "The E-Book Library," "A Stunning Kindle," "The ISBN Book Number," "'The computer is a moron!' Peter Drucker," "Military High Tech," "Unemployed Technology," "New Automobile Technology," "Heat Sensitive Technology," "Dealing with Internet Cookies," "Googling for Apples," "Internet Shopping on Amazon," "Free Wi-Fi Everywhere!," "The Meaning of Wikipedia," "Saw You on the Internet!," "Google Til You Drop," "Facebook Scorned," "Natural Netflix Addiction," "Groupon-a-holic," "Facebook Blocks Accounts for the Dead!," "Family Matters," "Links Help Google Page Rank," "Storage in the Cloud," "Voice Activated Annoyance," "Some Smartphones Catch Fire!," "Mobile Computing Innovation," "More Mobile Computing Innovation," "Rustic Recipes," "Stun Guns Disguised as Smartphones!," "Excuse me, I'm Texting!," "Judging Tablet Computers," "High Tech Insanity," "Radical Technology," "High Tech Punishment," "Front-Facing Camera and Wi-Fi," "Improving Digital Photos," "Magical Hacking," "Mommy's Business," "Innovative Marketing," "What's Outside the Box?," "Computer Art," "Web Designer," "Social Networking," "Why All the Shouting?," "Open Source Office Software Guilt," "Too Many Computer Hotkeys," "File Transfer in the Internet Cloud," "Programming Tools," "3D Printing," "High Tech IKEA TV," "Not Rocket Science, But...," "High Tech Tools for the University," "Canada's New Plastic Money is Melting!"

All these cartoon orginally appeared in context at ComputorEdge Online (

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